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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-12 18:40:13  浏览:9443   来源:法律资料网
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【关键词】犯罪 主观 分析
滥用职权罪,是指国家机关工作人员滥用职权,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。包括国家机关工作人员超越法律、法规赋予的职权、擅自处理其无权决定、处理的事项或行使职权时以权谋私,不正确履行职责、实施法律所不允许的行为等。 玩忽职守罪,是指国家机关工作人员玩忽职守,致使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。包括国家机关工作人员①未履行其职务上所要求的行为;②执行职务期间违背其职责义务,擅自脱离工作岗位的行为;③虽然有履行其职责的行为,但未完全履行职责等。
这两个罪都侵犯了国家机关人员公务活动的管理制度,危害了国家机关的正常活动,败坏了国家和政府的声誉,使公共财产,国家和人民利益遭受重大的损失,从而严重破坏社会主义精神文明建设,同时也阻碍社会主义民主政治建设的步伐,破坏社会主义市场经济建设,所以这两个罪是一种社会危害相当严重的犯罪。 "犯罪构成是刑事法律规定的、决定某一个行为的社会危害性,并成立犯罪所必须的客观要件和主观要件的总和。"每一个行为要构成犯罪都必须符合某种犯罪的全部构成要件,才能认定其为犯罪,才能追究行为人的刑事责任,当某一行为不符合犯罪构成时,我们就不能认定该行为是犯罪,当然更无刑事责任可言了。而犯罪构成的要件是犯罪构成的基本单元,是犯罪构成整体的各个有机的组成部分。我国刑法理论界的通说是"四要件说",即犯罪构成由犯罪客体、犯罪客观要件、犯罪主体、犯罪主观要件,这四个主客观要件相互依赖、相互作用,构成一个有机的整体,四要件缺一不可,因此犯罪构成四要件的分析和认定对某一犯罪的确认是至关重要的。
第二种观点是:滥用职权罪的主观要件是间接故意或者过失;玩忽职守罪的主观要件是过失,包括疏忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。即两罪的区别在于前者包括了故意,后者仅是过失。 另外,此种观点认为三百九十七条第二款是规定了"国家机关工作人员徇私舞弊罪",并且此罪在主观方面对结果是间接故意或者过失,动机是徇私。
第三种观点是:滥用职权罪和玩忽职守罪的主观要件一般均为过失,且过失均为针对行为人对其滥用职权或者玩忽职守所造成的严重后果而言的,行为人对滥用职权或者玩忽职守的行为,往往是明知故犯。 另外,此种观点认为第三百九十七条第二款分别规定了"徇私滥用职权罪"和"徇私玩忽职守罪",该两罪的主观方面均是故意,即明知徇私滥用职权、徇私玩忽职守的行为会使公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失,却仍然故意实施这种行为,并抱着希望后者放任这种危害后果发生的心理态度,即行为人的主观上包括了直接故意和间接故意。
其次,刑法第三百九十七条规定的一罪还是两罪的问题。《最高人民法院关于执行〈中华人民共和国刑法〉确定罪名的规定》中规定第三百九十七条为两个罪名,即滥用职权罪和玩忽职守罪。司法实践中当然也是按这个司法解释实施执行的。但是我认为:第二款规定的犯罪行为的客观方面多了徇私舞弊情节。徇私是指为满足私情私利,包括贪图财物、讨好上级、照顾亲友,或袒护、包庇亲友等行为。舞弊是指在从事公务活动中,故意违背事实和法律,弄虚作假,该为不为,不该为而为或作出违法的处理决定。客观反映主观,主观的认定须根据客观情况来分析,所以徇私舞弊犯罪一般应为故意犯罪。可见在主观方面和客观方面第二款规定的犯罪行为与第一款都存在着很大的差异。 另外,第二款中所称"犯前款罪的",不是指对这种行为按滥用职权罪或玩忽职守罪论处,而是指徇私舞弊行为同滥用职权或玩忽职守一样造成公共财产、国家和人民利益遭受重大损失的行为。所以,我认为可以按第三种观点,把刑法第三百九十七条第二款规定为徇私滥用职权罪和徇私玩忽职守罪,且该两犯罪是故意犯罪,主观动机是出于徇私,处罚上要比普通滥用职权罪或者玩忽职守罪重。
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(1996年9月21日湖北省第八届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议通过 根据2013年5月23日湖北省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议《湖北省人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改<湖北省人大常委会关于政府规章设定行政处罚罚款限额的规定>的决定》修正)











Important Notice: (注意事项)

英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)

(Approved by the State Council on December 31, 1981, promulgated
by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control on December 31,
Article 1
These Rules are formulated in order to implement the provisions of Chapter
III of the Interim Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People's
Republic of China.
Article 2
When Chinese, foreign nationals and stateless persons residing in China,
receive foreign exchange remitted from foreign countries or from Hong
Kong, Macao or other regions, they must sell it to the Bank of China; they
shall be permitted to retain 10% in foreign exchange of each single large
remittance that is equivalent to 3,000 yuan or more in Renminbi.
All owners shall enjoy the relevant preferential treatment for overseas
Chinese remittances with respect to the Renminbi that they receive through
sales of foreign exchange remittances to the Bank of China as mentioned
Article 3
When entrusting the Bank of China, to repatriate the foreign exchange that
was kept in foreign countries or in Hong Kong, Macao or other regions by
Chinese residing in China prior to the founding of the People's Republic
of China, by overseas Chinese prior to their returning to and settling
down in China, or by Hong Kong and Macao compatriots prior to their
returning to and settling down in their native places, and to repatriate
the foreign exchange received by inheriting property in foreign countries
or in Hong Kong, Macao or other regions by Chinese residing in China after
the founding of the People's Republic of China, by overseas Chinese after
their returning to and settling down in China, or by Hong Kong and Macao
compatriots after their returning to and settling down in their native
places, the owners shall be permitted to retain 30% of the foreign
exchange; as to the Renminbi received after the remaining 70% is
converted, the owners may enjoy the relevant preferential treatment for
overseas Chinese remittances.
Foreign nationals and stateless persons residing in China, when entrusting
the Bank of China to repatriate foreign exchange that they have kept
abroad or that they have received by inheriting property outside China,
shall be permitted to retain a portion of the foreign exchange in
accordance with the percentage as stipulated in the preceding paragraph.

Article 4
When overseas Chinese and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots, etc. return to
and settle down in China or in their native places, they shall be
permitted to retain 30% of the foreign exchange that they remit or bring
into, if they apply to the Bank within two months after their entry; as to
the Renminbi received after the remaining 70% is converted, the owners may
enjoy the relevant preferential treatment for overseas Chinese
remittances. The application for permission to retain a portion of the
foreign exchange brought into as mentioned above can be made only on the
strength of the relevant Customs declaration form.
Article 5
When personnel sent by the State to work in foreign countries or in Hong
Kong, Macao or other regions return home upon completion of their
missions, they must promptly remit or bring back to China the remaining
foreign exchange from wages, allowances, etc. that belongs to them, and it
shall not be kept abroad; they shall be permitted to retain the foreign
exchange on the strength of certification issued by Chinese organizations
stationed abroad.
Article 6
Students, trainees, postgraduate students, scholars, teachers, coaches and
other personnel who are sent by the State to study in foreign countries or
in Hong Kong, Macao or other regions must, upon their return, promptly
remit or bring back to China the remaining amount of the foreign exchange
that they have received during their stay abroad, and it shall not be kept
abroad; they shall be permitted to retain the foreign exchange that they
are entitled to receive, on the strength of certification issued by
Chinese organizations stationed abroad.
Article 7
The foreign exchange from fees for publication, copyright royalties,
awards, stipend, author's remuneration, etc. earned by individuals for
publications of their inventions, writings and the like abroad, for
speeches and lectures made in their own names outside China, for their
contributions to foreign newspapers, magazines and specialized journals,
etc., must promptly be repatriated and shall not be kept abroad;
individuals shall be permitted to retain the foreign exchange that they
are entitled to receive according to the relevant provisions approved by
the State Council or the ministries or commissions concerned, or with the
approval of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control.
Article 8
The foreign exchange that individuals are permitted to retain under the
preceding Articles must be deposited with the Bank of China. Such deposits
in foreign currency may be remitted abroad or may be taken abroad on the
strength of certification issued by the Bank of China; if these deposits
are converted into Renminbi, the owners may enjoy the relevant
preferential treatment for overseas Chinese remittances. However, these
deposit certificates may not, without authorization, be carried or sent
out of China either by holders or by others or by post.
The foreign exchange retained by individuals may not be dealt with in
violation of the provisions in paragraph 2, Article 4 of the Interim
Regulations on Foreign Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China.

Article 9
Chinese, foreign nationals and stateless persons residing in China shall
be permitted to keep in their own possession the foreign exchange already
in China. However, such foreign exchange shall not, without authorization,
be carried or sent out of China by owners or others or by post; if the
owners need to sell the foreign exchange, they must sell it to the Bank of
China, and the matter shall be handled by applying mutatis mutandis the
provisions of Article 2 of these Rules.
Article 10
The foreign exchange remitted or brought into China from foreign countries
or from Hong Kong, Macao or other regions by foreign nationals coming to
China, by overseas Chinese and Hong Kong and Macao compatriots returning
for a short stay, by foreign experts, technicians, staff and workers
engaged to work in China, and by foreign students and trainees, etc., may
be kept in their own possession, may be sold to or deposited with the Bank
of China, or may be remitted or taken out of China on the strength of the
original Customs declaration form filled out at the time of entry.
Article 11
When foreign experts, technicians, staff members and workers engaged to
work in organizations within China need to apply for remitting or taking
abroad their foreign exchange, the Bank of China shall handle the matter
in accordance with the stipulations as provided in the relevant contracts
or agreements.
Article 12
These Rules shall be promulgated and put into effect by the State
Administration of Foreign Exchange Control upon approval by the State
